Early last year when I reviewed OWON’s HDS2102S, I was impressed as the performance of OWON’s then top of the line HDS200 series 100 MHz 3-in-1 handheld oscilloscope. It had some quite noticeable improvements compared to the HDS272S 70 MHz scope. And just as I thought the 100 MHz was already fast enough OWON once again pulled ahead in the budget handheld oscilloscope competition with the release of the 200 MHz HDS2202S.
All scopes in the HDS200 series look identical and the only way to tell them apart is through the model number printed towards the top of the LCD screen.

The main PCB of the HDS2202S (left below) looks virtually identical to that in the HDS2102S (right below). The only noticeable change is that the width of the input section shielding can had been extended by a few millimeter in the 2202. It now almost touches the negative terminals of the battery holder. There is also a cutout in the shielding for an electrolytic capacitor in the 2202.

Here is a close up of the high voltage cutouts in the DMM input section and the opto isolators.

In the picture to the left below, The QFN chip seen with the marking of “VUCI” is a TLV62150 step-down converter chip from Texas Instruments. The battery charger chip used in the 2202 is slightly different compared to what’s used in the 2102, it is a SGM41521 Lithium Ion battery charger chip from SGMicro.

From a glance, the components layout on the other side of the PCB looks very similar to that of the 2102 and 272. In fact the keypad PCB is identical in all of these three handheld scopes.

Again, just like the 272 and 2102, the 2202 also uses GigaDevice’s GD32F303 microcontroller. Since the multimeter section is essentially identical in OWON’s HDS200 series lineup, it is not surprising to see that the DMM section (to the right below) is pretty much identical to what we have seen in the other two models.

Here are a couple of pictures showing the main circuit board.

Again, the FPGA used in this unit is ANLOGIC’s EG4X20BG256, which has 19,600 LUTs (lookup table). The output DAC for the arbitrary waveform generator used here is TI’s DAC904E (14-bit 165 MSPS), the same in all HDS200 series that have the AWG option. The small QFN chip is an 8V97051, a low power wideband fractional RF synthesizer/PLL.

Unlike the 272 and 2102, the channel sampling rate in the 2202 is independent of the number of channels enabled. The maximum sampling rate is specified at 1GSa/s. Clearly the ADC has been upgraded in the 2202 compared to the HAD1511 used in the 2102. The ADC used here is an LS08D1500 from Linsi Micro. Although there is no datasheet available, from the model number designation it appears to be a replacement for TI’s ADC08D1500, a dual 8 bit 1.5 GSPS analog to digital converter chip.

Linked below is the review and teardown video of this OWON HDS2202S: