HDS2102S is the latest version in OWON’s HDS200 series 3-in-1 handheld oscilloscope. It combines a digital oscilloscope, a digital multimeter and an arbitrary waveform generator all in a compact package. I did a thorough review of an HDS272S a little while back. The major difference between the 2102S and the 272S is the oscilloscope bandwidth. For the 2102S, the bandwidth has increased to 100 MHz compared to the 70 MHz in the 272S. The specifications for the DMM and AWG portions are identical.
In this blog post, I will share some of the teardown pictures. For detailed analysis, please check out my last review with the HDS272S.

The main PCB of the HDS2102S (left) looks pretty much identical to that in the HDS272S (right). The only noticeable difference are a few components of different footprints in the upper middle section.

The other side of the PCB also looks very similar (HDS2102S on the left, HDS272S to the right). The white bracket is actually supposed to be underneath the LCD (It fell off during the teardown and I didn’t realize I put it on wrong). The same bracket is also used in the HDS272S although the color is black. The LCDs used in these two scope meters are of slightly different models. You can see the difference in the connecting flat flex cables.

In the picture below, you can see the MCU and DMM portion respectively in the HDS2102S. They are almost identical to what is in the HDS272S. The MCU used is again a GigaDevice’s GD32F303. Note that the locations of the 3 pin serial headers in these two models are every so slight different. But beyond that all components used appeared to be the same.

Here is a comparison between the reverse side of the main board between the HDS2102S (left) and HDS272S (right). The main difference are the ADC and FPGA used due to the increased bandwidth.

Here are a few close ups of portions of the the circuit board. You can see a 3 pin SMD towards the bottom left corner in the picture in the middle below in the HDS2102S, interestingly this component is missing in the HDS272S.
In the last picture, you can see the ADC used in the HDS2102S, it is an HAD1511.

Below is the review and teardown video:
Here is a comprehensive review video of HDS272S. In this video, I also reviewed the DMM and AWG portion. The DMM and AWG in the HDS2102S are identical to the HDS272S:
And here is a teardown of the HDS272S. Again, most hardware in the 272S is identical to 2102S except for the ADC portion: