Sometimes we find App.config inadequate in addressing our problems and need to have a generic solution in creating strongly typed configuration files. Depending on the requirements, this can be achieved in multiple ways. In this article, I will illustrate one simple way of creating a type-safe configuration handler which can be easily adapted to more complex scenarios.

Suppose that the problem at hand is to create a handler that can access a configuration xml file via Property1 and Property2:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Configurations xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

    <Entry Property1="Test1" Property2="Test2" />


We could start by building two .Net classes which could be serialized into the above format:


    public class ConfigNode


        private string _property1 = string.Empty;

        private string _property2 = string.Empty;



        public string Property1


            get { return _property1; }

            set { _property1 = value; }




        public string Property2


            get { return _property2; }

            set { _property2 = value; }



        public ConfigNode(string property1, string property2)


            _property1 = property1;

            _property2 = property2;



        public ConfigNode()




The first class we built above (in C#) corresponds to the <Entry> element.



    public class ConfigElement


        private ConfigNode _node = null;



        public ConfigNode Node


            get { return _node; }

            set { _node = value; }



        public ConfigElement(ConfigNode node)


            _node = node;



        public ConfigElement()




And the second class ConfigElement corresponds to the whole document. Note that it is easy to accommodate multiple <Entry> elements by using an ArrayList of ConfigNode’s.

Next, we need to build a class that provides functionalities to read and write to the property xml file:

     public class XMLPropertyHandler


        public void SetXmlProperties(Type objType, string fileName, object settings)


            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(objType);

            XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(fileName, Encoding.UTF8);

            writer.Indentation = 4;

            writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

            serializer.Serialize(writer, settings);




        public object GetXmlProperties(Type objType, string fileName)


            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(objType);

            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fileName);

            object obj = serializer.Deserialize(reader);


            return obj;



Finally, the following testing code shows how this handler class can be used:


    class Program


        public void SetProperties()


            ConfigElement element = new ConfigElement(new ConfigNode("Test1", "Test2"));


            XMLPropertyHandler handler = new XMLPropertyHandler();

            handler.SetXmlProperties(typeof(ConfigElement), "test.xml", element);



        public void GetProperties()


            XMLPropertyHandler handler = new XMLPropertyHandler();

            ConfigElement element = handler.GetXmlProperties(typeof(ConfigElement), "test.xml") as ConfigElement;



        static void Main(string[] args)


            Program p = new Program();





The main benefit of the approach discussed here is that the handler class provides a generic way of accessing attributes driven property files. As long as the entries are defined via attributes, the handler class remains the same. This makes it easy for a generic way of handling multiple configuration files.

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